You’re right. “Princess” was clearly a terribly inflammatory choice of word. ‘Snowflake’ would’ve been more appropriate. (We don’t get much snow in Australia, so that term is not in common parlance. The use of ‘princess’ colloquially as an insult comes from the children’s story; “The Princess and the Pea”.)
What gets me is this is the hill you choose to die on. Your country is in flames, potentially being overrun by Fascists and you’re all in a huff about how one of your African-American countrymen chooses to use the word ‘bitch’.
You call yourself a writer yet you couldn’t even be bothered to research the author of the quote you’re condemning? At best that makes you lazy. At worst that makes you incompetent.
Of course, another possibility is you’re a Fascist yourself and you’re trying to draw attention away from your red neck buddies.